The Fargo HDP Single Side High Definition Printer is exceptionally reliable, which means less printer downtime. Sharper image quality and new HDP materials deliver more impressive cards at a lower cost per card.
Model #89000
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Fargo #89600 Single Sided HDP Retransfer Printer.
Everything looks better with High Definition Printing™.
Colors are vibrant. Images are crisp. Quality is second to none. With the Fargo HDP5000, ID cards do more than protect your organization — they reflect its pride. HDP5000 produces ID cards with the highest image quality available. By printing a reverse image on the underside of HDP® Film, then fusing the film to the card surface, the HDP5000 creates an image quality that looks more like a sharp glossy photo than an ordinary ID badge. Printing on film instead of directly on the card means that the uneven surface of technology cards doesn’t compromise image quality. The HDP5000 can print up to the edge of smart chip contacts, and over-the-edge of the card.
High-quality images without the high price tag.
With the Fargo HDP5000, the price tag looks as great as the cards it produces. High Definition Printing is the most advanced method of card printing available. The HDP5000’s image quality far exceeds other models, but its cost doesn’t. No other card printer delivers High Definition images at this price point, making the HDP5000 feasible for a broad range of organizations.
Two year printer warranty including, unlimited printhead warranty.